Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is a science-based profession that focuses on your well-being as a whole instead of focusing on individual ailments.
Aquatic Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy and Sports Therapy
Have any questions? (775) 738-9600
Mon-Thu: 7AM-5PM
Fri-Sun: By Appointment Only
Physical therapy is a science-based profession that focuses on your well-being as a whole instead of focusing on individual ailments.
Aqua therapy can improve your flexibility, balance and coordination while building muscle strength and endurance, and assisting with gait and motion.
Many clients who are in accidents will not feel severe pain or stiffness until 7-10 days after the accident takes place—but this doesn’t mean that problems don’t exist.
Elko Spine Physical Therapy excels in treating patients with work-related injuries. The goal of our program is to efficiently rehabilitate injured workers, reduce pain and disability, and to lessen the amount of days lost to work-related injuries.
Sports therapists have a strong background in orthopedics (therapy involving the musculoskeletal system) and work with athletes of all levels as well as the average active individuals.
Discover How To Finally End Long-Term Nagging Injuries, Release Tension In Tight Muscles, Stimulate Inactive Muscles, Reduce Unwanted Stiffness, Get Rid of Recurring Headaches, Naturally - Without Any Nasty Side Effects.
While clinics offer more specialized equipment for recovery, we understand that it is not always possible for clients to make it to Elko Spine Physical Therapy because their injuries are too severe, or they are simply uncomfortable doing so.
Let us assist you on your road to recovery
Set up an appointment